How Does Meekat Tours Work?
Well first you have to make a booking.
Then you must have a love for nature, because you have to meet me before sunrise at a prearranged time.
From here we depart to the conservation area were we watch the sunrise over a 'cup' of the best.
Then we take a short hike to the current burrows.
We will then observe how wild meerkat wake up, brush their teeth, comb their hair and put on their makeup.
Because this is the property of De Zeekoe Guest Lodge all people that stay at De Zeekoe will get the tours at a special discount
10 years of age is the minimum age allowed on the tours.
The reason for this is that most parents today do not believe in reprimanding their children in public, so when these kids get bored and start throwing the meerkats with sticks or stones the parents make it of as a joke, or they ignore it. The other reason is that meerkats filter out the sound of grownup voices witch is deeper and low frequency sounds. Kids have high pitch voices and in meerkat language, all alarms and warnings are high pitch sounds. So your understanding of this matter is highly appreciated.
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